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Mettre à jour la navigation avec Turbo

Dans certains cas, j’ai besoin de mettre à jour la navigation côté client tout en utilisant des turbo-stream.

Cas d’usage :

Attention : Ce hack ne permet pas de mettre en cache dans Turbo les pages visitées programmatiquement. Il permet seulement à Turbo de mettre en cache correctement les pages lorsqu’on utilise le bouton Précédent.

const url = new URL(path)

// Update the browser history
history.pushState({}, null, path) 

// Turbo uses the URL of the page it renders 
// to save a snapshot (HTML output for cache) 
// just before rendering a new page (eg. when using the back button or loading an entire new page)
// This means that when we update the URL programatically
// with JavaScript with history.pushState,
// Turbo still uses the first URL that matches Turbo rendering.
// We have to tell Turbo what is the last rendered URL,
// so it can save the snapshot for the cache under the right URL.
// This is important to make the back button work properly.
Turbo.navigator.view.lastRenderedLocation = url

// Update Turbo history


Mise en place de tests avec Chai/Mocha/Sinon

// ========== Stubs and mocks ==========

// Using sinon-test and sinon-chai

import chai, { expect } from 'chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'

global.chai = chai
global.expect = expect
const sinonTest = require('sinon-test')(sinon)

describe('myTest', () => {
  it('myExpectation', sinonTest(function() {
    const stubbedFunction = this.stub()

// Stub environment variable (example with NODE_ENV)

describe('myTest', () => {
  let originalEnv
  before(() => {
    originalEnv = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(process.env, 'NODE_ENV')
    Object.defineProperty(process.env, 'NODE_ENV', { value: 'production' })
  after(() => {
    Object.defineProperty(process.env, 'NODE_ENV', originalEnv)

// Mocking http request on a Node server

import chai, { expect } from 'chai'
import chaiHttp from 'chai-http'
import server from './myServer'

// myServer have to be a Node server. Eg: 
//   const server = restify.createServer()
//   server.get(…)
//   server.listen(…)
//   export default server

global.chai = chai

describe('GET /myEndpoint', () => {
  it('myExpectation', (done) => {
      .end((error, response) => {
        const { status, body } = res
        // my expectation…

// Stubbing ES6 default import

import * as myDefaultImport from './my-default-import'

describe('myTest', () => {
  it('myExpectation', sinonTest(function() {
    const stubbedDefaultImport = this.stub(myDefaultImport, 'defaultImportFunction')
    // my expectation…

// ========== Promises ==========

// Testing a promise

describe('myTest', () => {
  it('myExpectation', (done) => {
    myPromise.then(() => {
      // my expectation…
  it('myExpectation', (done) => {
    myPromise.catch(() => {
      // my expectation…